The Compacts of Free Association had a comprehensive update recently passed by the U.S. House of Representatives. This amendment was sent to the Senate last week, here. These Compacts affect the countries of the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands and the Republic of Palau.
The defeat of Japan at the end of World War II left numerous island chains ungoverned. This status prompted the creation of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. This U.N. sponsored affiliation was a protectorate with the United States acting as the government and perhaps more importantly, the department of defense for these islands.
Rather than transitioning towards statehood, several island chains opted for "free association" with the United States in the 70's and 80's. This arrangement allowed for sovereignty to pass back to the various "countries" combined, however, with a residual relationship with the former "trustee". The Compact of Free Association provides for favorable treatment for citizens of the former Trust Territory to include immigration and military service.
Some interesting provisions of the Amendment. Section 5 provides that citizens of Palau, Micronesia and the Marshall Islands are entitled to receive services from the Legal Services Corporation. This was a vexing issue in Hawaii where the Legal Aid organization could not provide indigent legal services to Hawaii residents from the former Trust Territory, explained here. If approved by the Senate and signed by the President, FEMA would remain obligated to provide funding for disaster assistance. Finally, Palau would be entitled to transmit U.S. videotaped programming, apparently Palau was left off the list when Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands terminated.
As the amendment demonstrates, laws relating to these countries, both international and U.S., typically present very diverse issues resulting from the historical relationship between them and the United States.