The Coast Guard announced a new policy imposing security restrictions on vessels arriving from certain Indonesian ports deemed to have inadequate security measures in place. These restrictions impose certain security measures to be used when the vessels visit U.S. ports. The Indonesian ports listed below do have the requisite security measures in place:
PT Terminal Petikemas Surabaya, Banjarmasin Port, PT Pertamina Unit Pemasaran III Jakarta, Pertamina Unit, Pengolahan V Balikpapan, Senipah, Terminal Total E&P Indonesia, Balikpapan, Caltex Oil Terminal Dumai, Pelindo II Conventional Terminal, Jakarta, Jakarta International Container Terminal, PT Pupuk Kaltim Bontang, PT Badak Bontang, PT Indominco Mandiri Bontang, Pertamina Unit Pengolahan II Dumai, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia, Cabang Dumai, Semarang International, Container Terminal, Belawan Multi-Purpose Terminal and PT Multimas Nabati Asahan.
If a vessel visited another Indonesian port within its last five port calls, it is required to have the enhanced security measures denoted in the rule.