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March 23, 2010


Unfortunately, the First Circuit failed to look at the evidence presented at trial and on appeal. Plaintiff's Trial Exhibit 8 was the marked deposition transcript of Marek Borkowski. In it was all the evidence the Appeals Court needed - despite the fact that the lower court had found that there were no issues of material fact and that no factual evidence was necessary to introduce at trial. Needless to say, the courts in the first circuit know how to not decide a matter. They also know how to avoid their obligations to their seamen wards. In this case the First Circuit ignored it all. Just as the silver oar was missing in the appellate courtroom during oral argument - is it being permitted to fade away nationwide? For the sake of our seamen and maritime commerce, let's all hope not.

Federal courts are adopting stricter pleading standards and stricter burdens of proof. See Iqbal and Twombly. Yet, they allowed punitive damages under general maritime law. This area of law is not for the faint of heart.

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